Thursday, December 15, 2016

WINTER'S EVE at Lincoln Square --November 28, 2016

The "long anticipated" event called "Winter's Eve" didn't quite live up to expectations. This was the 17th Annual celebration of this event and it was advertised as the "premier and largest" festival kickoff to New York City's Christmas celebration. Well there were certainly "throngs of people" and lots of jostling going on.We were told that the traffic would be blocked off from about 68th Street down to Columbus Circle so as to make crossing from Columbus Ave  to Broadway safe and easy. Well, that didn't happen!! And though there were "food samplings" from many of the restaurants along Columbus and Broadway--average cost was $3 and you truly got just a "sample"!! Don't plan on getting "FULL" in the least! There was lots of entertainment going on up and down the streets--but it was hard to find much Familiar Christmas music until we found the La Guardia High School Choir "tucked inside a building at Columbus Circle"!! They were so fun to hear and see!! All in All--it was still a delightful evening to walk up and down this whole area and feel the "magic"of the Christmas Season beginning to "come alive"!! Here are just a few pics from that night:
Official SIGN advertising this event

Just one of the many "odd" characters roaming the sidewalks during Winter's Eve 

One of 2 Ice Sculpting demonstrations-- this one was right in front of Manhattan Temple

Spanish Flamenco dancer

Mariachi Band performing by Columbus Circle 

Easter Indian entertainment

2nd Ice Sculpting--Toy Soldier--in area of Columbus Circle (59th St)

This was very interesting to watch! I can see why Sapporo, Japan has an entire Winter Festival centered around Ice a Sculpting contests! Fascinating!!

The "Lighted Tree" in Danstes Park 

Maybe next year we'll check and sort of "map out" where the Entertainment is and go in search of the "real Christmas stuff".🎄 
We did love the FREE HOT COCOA that the New York North Missionaries were "feverishly" preparing, pouring and giving away!! We can see why they always run out fast!! Great Job Sisters and Elders!!

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