Sunday, September 11, 2016

Additional Assignment--there is no Growth in the Comfort Zone . . .

Well, let me give you that full quote:  "There is no growth in the Comfort Zone and no Comfort in the Growth Zone!" This was something I heard in one of our meetings in Rego Park 1st Ward that made me pause and ponder. You know how I really extolled the organization, energy and creativity of the Missionary Couple--Elder Paul and Sister Mindie Rogers--who have been our "Activity Planners" for Missionaries ever since we got here almost 6 months ago (can you believe that?) and even many months before that. Well--they will finish their Mission in Oct and return to Nevada ( greater Las Vegas area). Speculation of replacements-- I had a few really good names picked out!! So--2 weeks ago--Pres and Sister Bench ask if they can come and visit us--(gulp) and asked Elder Mumford and I to take on that assignment!! What do you say--other than YES?!?!  We are "overwhelmed" to say the least!! But "how do you eat an elephant"--one bite at a time"--that's the approach we are taking!! Many of our "fellow Temple missionaries" (relieved that it's NOT THEM--I'm sure) have put in their offers to help--and, believe me, we will be takingbthem up on said offers!!
Well, we "hit the ground running"-- as one of the "traditions" of this Missionary Group is the annual "New York Radio City Music Hall's Christmas Spectacular with the Rockettes" and to get good seats-- we have to act NOW!! So--we got on it right away!! Working with an individual in charge of Group Sales for this Event--we have great seats (I'm taking her word on this) and the price is only $3 more per ticket than last year. The Group email has gone out and responses coming back in so quickly--we will have this one "signed, sealed and delivered" by the end of September--yay!! (If collecting the money turns out to be as easy as the YES responses have been, that is😬)!
One of the real "treats" of this experience thus far, and hoping that it will continue to be so--is the opportunity to work with Pres and Sister Bench! They are so kind and appreciate our efforts to suggest, plan and then our willingness to "scope out" certain activities and also to "let go" of an idea that is either not right for our group or the logistics just won't work. Their enthusiasm for keeping our group of missionaries interacting and enjoying each other is such a great thing to experience. We are "rubbing shoulders" with some of the "Best of the Best" and we know it, love it, and feel a little (no, lot) inadequate!! But we press on!!

You will "note" by the date of this Blog post--that it is the "infamous" 9/11 day. It is now 15 years since that "horrible, terrible. . . Yet very unifying day" in our great Nation's history!! Being in NYC on this day, this year, and the fact it is also the Sabbath, has been very sobering for me. I know there have been "rememberances" through out the City--in one form or another. I went up to our Rooftop Garden tonight with some friends that are visiting--and saw some buildings that were light up with RedvWhite and Blue lights--I'm assuming because of this day. It was so lovely to see and where the "Twin Towers" would be now--there were "one and then two skylight beams" coming from that direction--filling the sky with light. It was thrilling to see that!! I just wish in this Election Year--that we could even come "close" to what it "felt like" on that day so many years ago, of  "Proud to be an American" (as the words to that Lee Greenwood song 🎼 ". . .and I won't forget the men who fought to give that right to me"--play on in my heart and head). . . But I think we're kind of "losing it as a Nation--and it makes me so sad . . . and kinda mad!! The Adversary is "laughing" as we "fight among each other" and UNITY is being replaced by HATE, ENVY and all those other feelings that destroy HARMONY and PEACE. Just had to record those feelings here. I LOVE THE USA!!! Below is a pic of Brad and Cassi Mumford and their family--sent on 9/11/2016. It is from a place in Sandy, UT--called "The Healing Fields". There are flags flying with the names of every person who perished in that tragedy. Thought it was a great way for his kids to try to "feel" some gratitude for those who lost so much. Thanks, Brad  and Cassi!

  Here are a few "other" activities we've been involved with these past few weeks.
BEGINNING HEBREW CLASS---we had the extremely "unique" opportunity to study Hebrew with a Jewish man, Doron Friedman, who has taught Hebrew to Diplomats and those who have assignments in the Middle East. Working with our Public Affairs Missionary couple, Mark and Susan Dransfield (who are so dynamic at all that they do) and who first met Doron--we signed up for a 10-week class to begin studying the basics of the Hebrew language. It was "short-lived" as Doron was offered a job and accepted it, too go to D. C. And teach Hebrew at the Pentagon. And his schedule will no longer accommodate the Monday nights we had set aside for that course. So--we got the beginnings of  what it will take to learn this very complicated language😜!!! E Mumford has "determined" he will continue studying on his own it with a few others. S Mumford--well let's just say, "she is not so sure "😦  BUT--it is very insightful--for sure!!

Some of our "study materials"

We found a "Farmer's Market" in the Square across from our apartment building!! 
We were so-o Happy!!

More GMA in Central Park--the last one for Summer!! It turns out it was
NATIONAL COLLEGE GAME DAY--so all these College Mascots and Cheerleaders had come to NYC to be on GMA (Good Morning America)
It was a really FUN morning 

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