Monday, January 29, 2018

Our LAST VISITORS--Lisa, Megan and Clancey Sears

we said "Good-Byes" to Shelby, Missy and Jearlene on Tuesday, November 29, 2017 and the next day we Greeted our Visitors from Clifton--Lisa Sears (Ron's sister) and two of her children Megan and Clancey. AND  they truly "hit the ground running." They only had 5 days in the Big 🍎and there was so much to see and do!! They saw Lion King and Wicked on Broadway and The Rockettes Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall. We went to the New York Botanical Gardens "Holiday Train Show"-- which was amazing and they went to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island and they came to the Manhattan Temple for a Session and we all went to the "Carols on Columbus" at the Manhattan Chapel next to the Temple.  We walked the Brooklyn Bridge and enjoyed a pizza lunch at Grimaldi's. They even came out to Rego Park 1st Ward in Queens, NY where we attend our Sunday meetings each week and teach the Youth Sunday School class. While we were serving at the Temple each afternoon and evening--they were doing some exploring on their own at the American
Museum of Natural History and just skimmed the surface of Central Park.  They were "exhausted" at the end of each day --yet they got up the next day and went out to make "more memories"!!  They were wonderful to have as our "last ones to visit" and we truly hope they enjoyed their time here!! Here are some pics--although we didn't "go with" on many of their adventures--we just pointed them in the "right direction" and relied on Megan's "Missionary to Denmark expertise" in getting them around in the BIG 🍎. And now some pics to PROVE THEY WERE REALLY HERE:
We are so happy that this group of Visitors made it to see us in NYC

FINDING "Dum Dum" at the American Museum of Natural History

The Lights of the Rockefeller Plaza--timed and set to music. Gorgeous!!.

Clancey & Megan are in. NYC!!

Lisa, Clancy & Megan Sears in the Lobby of our apartment building 

Riding the Metro North RR out to the New York Botanical Gardens

Clancey  and Carol on the Metro North RR--heading to the NY Botanical Gardens --where the Holiday Train Show is on display

The Holiday Train Show at the Botanical Gardens is Spectacular!!

Everything in these displays at the Train Show is made of all natural materials except the model trains themselves  

The displays at the show depict "classics NEW YORK " areas and famous landmarks

Walking the Brooklyn Bridge 
We ate pizza at Grimaldi's close to the Bridge and that is ALWAYS a favorite activity!

On the Ferry to see the Statue of Liberty

It was such a "WHIRLWIND OF ACTIVITY" for these guys as their visit was only 5 short days  in the Big 🍎--but they sure packed a lot into the time they had. Loved having them come and we even were able to see them in the Temple--which is ALWAYS a real Bonus for us!! 

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