Wednesday, January 31, 2018

DECEMBER 2017--Our "last" full month of our New York Manhattan MissionšŸ˜¢

Well that brings us to this point in time--the final full month of this truly amazing and wonderful Senior Couple Temple Mission experience. Some months I have really wanted to "speed up time" as I was really missing my family--BUT this month of December 2017--I really wanted to s-l-o-w-w-w way down and capture ALL ASPECTS of this mission in my memory!! It's hard to believe we are now this close to completing our time here and I am sad now to see us finish!! But all good things must come to an end, right??
So here is a "brief recap" of what this WONDERFUL MONTH had in store" for us!!
After we said our "Good Byes" to the Sears' family we had several "Missionary Activities" to complete and to participate in.  We finished those things that we had planned--and then the "newly called Elder Delmar and Sister Luann Gray took over the Missionary Activity responsibility--at which they will be SO-Ongood at doing!! Here are some of the things we "finished" doing:

This year I really wanted to participate every day in this very important way to "Celebrate the Birth of our Savior". It was such a sweet 25 day "journey" for me!!

Lights to Music in Rockefeller Plaza
Sister MSister Carol Mumford and Sister Margaret May (on the left) were partners for the Rockettes   Christmas Spectacular on Dec 12th 2017!! We had "tried" to do this last year (2016)--but we could never "find" each other in the huge crowd outside Radio City Music Hall!! But this year--
WE MADE IT!! And  It was great !!

There is such a great "feeling" during  the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall 


Barbara Heideman, Jenean Brown and me (Carol Mumford) enjoying the "magic" of Christmas in NYC as we enjoy the sights and sounds of Rockefeller Plaza and Saks Fifth Avenue 

"Carols on Columbus"--such a "musical array of LDS Manhattan-area talent" 


The Golden Retriever in the Nativity is a sweet story about the Catholic Monsignor who is responsible for the placing of such Nativity each year for this Church.

We decided to do a little service project for some of the families in the Rego Park 1st Ward out in Queens, NY --where we attend each Sabbath for our meetings.  


We were able to place these little Book of Mormon Stories booklets in 13 families with young children and hope it will help them in their scripture reading or FHE 

Kevin Kindred (a friend who grew up in Preston, ID --his parents, Kent & Janice Kindred have been close friends since we moved to Idaho in 1982) and his wife visited NYC and were staying with friends in our apartment building when we "discovered them" while Caroling in the Lobby a few Sundays before Christmas this year --such a small world!!

Annual Full-Time Senior Missionary Christmas Caroling in the Lobby of 2 Lincoln Square Apartment Building where we all live 

 There was a video of us singing--it was very good!!

A most precious Christmas gift from one of our Senior Missionary Couples, Elder Lynn and Sister De Anna DeBry. Her friend is a painter and she did this in watercolorscand sent them to Sister DeBry who then, gave them to us. So beautifully done!! 

Monday, December 18th, 2017, was a special day for all the senior Sister Missionaries--there are 10'of us-- as we enjoyed an outing together of TEA AND CRUMPETS at  Alice's TeaCup. It was my "treat" to them sort of a "Going Away Party" of sorts. I really wanted to Thank them all for their Friendship and Love !! It was delightful!! 

 Holly Young and I are checking out the tasty dishes on our table

L to R around the table--Luann Gray, Hazel Tan, Barbara Heideman, DeAnna DeBry, Fusako Miyashiro, Jeneane Brown, Ellen Schoenberger, Kathy Nabors, Holly Young and myself, Carol Mumford

Holly Young and Carol Mumford

DeAnna DeBry, Fusako Miyashiro and Jenean  Brown

Luann Gray, Hazel Tan and Barbara Heideman 

Ellen Schoenberger and Kathy Nabors 

Ellen and Kathy here with Holly Young

Luann, Hazel and Barbara

Our whole Group just outside this charming little "ALICE'S TEACUP "
L to R--Luann Gray, Hazel Tan, Jenean Brown, DeAnna DeBry, Ellen Schoenberger, Carol Mumford, Barbara Heideman, Kathy Nabors, Holly Young and Fusako Miyashiro 
What a "memory-maker for me!! Love these Sisters to pieces!! 
(The reason for the name--it was decorated with all assorted "antique-looking teacups and saucers " AND with Alice in Wonderland art on the Walls--so so charming)

Lincoln & Hollie's family sent this Nativity in the form of "12 days of Christmas" with 12 little packages that we opened--1 each day--until Christmas Eve!! We so loved it--and inside each little package was a note with each of their 5 children giving us their "perspective" of that piece of the Nativity. It was a memorable activity for both of us.   

We set it up on our "makeshift mantle" on our Entertainment Center 

Elder Mumford and I outside the Rego Park 1st Ward Building one of our last Sunday's that we attended there. Oh how we LOVED that Ward!! 

Christmas Eve found us with a few of our Missionary friends attending the Choir Concert before Midnight Mass at St Paul the Apostle  Catholic Church in Manhattan just a few blocks from our apartment building.
The Nativity as it was set up in St Paul the Apostle's  Cathedral for us to view on Christmas Eve 2017 

We "journeyed" to Chinatown at the invitation of Elder and Sister Tan (who are Chinese but have come from Singapore--to serve as Full time Temple Missionaries). They treated us to a Dim Sum 
Lunch --which was so delicious--mostly because they both knew what dishes to choose from the cart that goes from table to table
L to R--around the table clockwise--Ron and Carol, DeAnna and Lynn DeBry and SK and Hazel Tan 
We enjoyed this so much--and then Hazel took DeAnna and I shopping for "bargains"!! What Fun! 


Riding the Subway home from Chinatown.we found this little Chinese man using his best imagination to create "haunting Chinese music" on his homemade instrument.

Our table was "literally loaded" with such tasty Chinese food!! 
Thank you so much Elder & Sister Tan!! It was such a great meal!! 


Christmas Day 2017 
Ron and I and a few of the other Missionaries were invited by Rukmal Dehicdebob (so phonetically) to come to his apartment on Staten Island and enjoy a meal with his wife and little 6-month old baby boy. It was almost a 2-hr ride by Subway, Ferry, Bus and walking about a mile--one-way-- to get there. Ron wasn't feeling well--so I went alone with the Heideman's, Kathy Nabors and Fusako Miyashiro--and here they are standing outside the front of the house where his very small  apartment is in the back. 
Rukmal, his lovely wife and myself and Sister DeBry 
This wonderful wife, who is from Malaysia,  had been up since 5:00 am, cooking all the food we would be served that day. What a sacrifice--for us--whom she had never met until that day.  We had  huge pans of rice and beans and curry dishes and fruit and 2 desserts. WOW WHAT A FEAST!!

Rukmal, his wife and the Heidemans

These are just part of the MANY Christmas cards we received  and I'd put them on our wall where we could see them and be reminded every day how much we were loved by such good family and friends
And the sweet spirit of Christmas was "within" that card display!!


The "HAPPY BANNER" that came from Linc's family helped us keep a "positive" tone in our apartment! We so loved it!!  

This pretty much takes us to the end of December
Sister Colleen Pratt shared her "Conversion Story" with us at the Heideman's Apartment earlier in the month of December. I loved these special "gatherings" as they were so faith promoting and special

After a Missionary Activity in November--where Sister Ciccotelli talked about her "Quilts for Refugees" project--we took a quilt top home with us--and tied it with the wonderful help from Barbara Heideman and with Ron " threading needles for the Blind ( that would be me!!) 

Oh was a beautiful busy delightful month of December we had!!

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