Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Farewell to the Harrises; Hail to the Grays

Group picture of Temple Missionaries and Temple Presidency 
Back row L-R: Sister Miyashiro,  Kent & Barbara Heideman, SK & Hazel Tan, Ron & Carol Mumford , Pres & Sister Bench, Luann & Delmar Gray, Deanna & Lynn  DeBry, Kathy Nabors, Jeanine & Spencer Brown,
Front Row L-R: Pres & Sister Nixon, John & Shellie Harris and Sister & Pres Bean

Time for another FAREWELL--this one will probably be the HARDEST ONE YET!! Why you ask?? Because the Mumfords and the Harrises CAME OUT TOGETHER; and now it's time for the Harrises to go home, having served their 18 months. But due to an "extension request" (that supposedly would not be granted😧😩)-- the Mumfords (after Sister Mumford's initial shock) are pleased to be here another 5 months.  So this "parting" is bittersweet!
John and Shellie Harris have used so many of their talents to serve and help further the work here in the New York Manhattan Temple.  Elder Harris speaks impeccable Spanish and really loves people and thus the many Spanish within our Temple District LOVE HIM!! He also LOVES to talk and really enjoys his heritage/legacy of being the GGGGGrandson of Martin Harris--one of the 3 Witnesses of the Book of Mormon and very much a part of the early history of the Restoration of the Gspel and close interaction with the Prophet Joseph Smith. Sister Shellie Harris has such a wealth of talents and has been called on to use many of them throughout her mission Service. She is a gifted seamstress and has truly been called on to use those skills in replacing the "Green tinted" apron strings on over 60 aprons at the temple and in mending, hemming and/or repairing many clothing items in use in the Temple. Shellie has also worked in the Temple Recorder's office as a "phone scheduler for the Baptistry appointments. She has served so faithfully and well. Sister Bench has called her "my right-hand man (woman)" in all things pertaining to Temple clothing. Her "quick smile and contagious love for this Work" will truly be missed!

Sister Shellie Harris and Elder John Harris
Departing Missionaries--heading back to Bountiful, Utah

Sister Dorothy Bench--our Temple Matron--she loves "everything" about Life--and music is one of her many gifts!! So it is a part of our many FHE Gatherings

Sister Holly Young--willing accompanist 

Sister Luann Gray and Elder Delmar Gray
Newly "arrived" Temple Missionaries from Boise, Idaho

We so enjoy our Missionary FHE Dinners/Gatherings/Hails/Farewells!! They are full of great food (planned by one of two Food Committees) and music and spiritual thoughts and parting testimonies. It is just "the Best" group to be a part of and we love them all!! It's hard to imagine that the next "Farewell" will be . . . .

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