Monday, January 2, 2017


We knew we were in for a wonderful Christmas time when Missy and Kyle (along with Sachi and Emma and Hiro) made plans to be here in NYC with us!! Oh it was so glorious!! Both Missy and Kyle's family made plans to arrive on Friday, Dec 23rd--Kyle in the morning and Missy in afternoon. We "traded shifts" at the Temple so we could enjoy some evening activity with all of them. We gave the gift of "Aladdin" to Emma and Sachi--to enjoy that afternoon before we got home. Sachi said

Emma "loved it"!!

Sachi and Emma Mumford

Emma Mumford (age 5) enjoying "Aladdiin" on Broadway

So we met up with our Visitors at SantaLand in Macy's downtown NYC's 34th St location for a "historic" visit to see the Jolly Old St Nick. Good thing Sachi investigated the "48 hour ahead reservation" which allowed us to go to the entrance at our appointed time and get into see Santa in under 20 minutes. Instead of waiting in line for 2 hours!! We never would have made that--at least not with Papa Mumford or a very happy Hiro!!

All of us "sitting" on Santa's lap
L-R: Grammy & Papa Mumford, old World Santa, Emma Mumford on Santa's lap, Kyle & Sachi Mumford with Hiro Mumford on her lap, with Aunt Missy Mumford in front

Sachi & Kyle and kids 

Hiro and Emma Mumford talking with Santa

We so enjoyed our evening but upon returning to our apartment and getting the kids ready for bed, Kyle's "suspicions" were confirmed ( at least in Kyle's mind)-- by an Orthopedic Dr/friend back in Erie, PA-- that a fall from a dining room chair earlier in the day may have caused a "broken arm" for little Hiro. So at 10:30 pm-- Kyle, Sachi and Hiro head out the door to go the 10 blocks to the Emergency at  Mt Sinai Med Center in Manhattan. And 10 HOURS (yes, You are reading that correctly) they return home with the confirming cast on little Hiro's arm--that he does have a fractured bone below his wrist. But needed a cast up passed the elbow to immobilize the bone.

Hiro Mumford and his broken arm

So, needless to say, Kyle, Sachi and Hiro were not in any shape to go with us on our planned outing to the New York Botannical Gardens in the Bronx, to see the Holiday Train show.  So we (Papa, Grammy, Aunt Missy) took Emma and went to Grand Central Station to catch a train on the Metro North line to the Botannical Gardens. It was raining pretty much the entire day--but we were able to get there at our "ticketed time" and wow!! It was BUSY and the Show was AMAZING!!
Just a few "collages" of the many displays involved in this exhibit !! 

The "Holiday Train Show" (in a "nutshell") that one really needs to see in order to really appreciate the hours and hours of creativity and imagination that went into each beautiful display.
So glad we got to go. Sorry that Kyle and Sachi missed it!! 

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