Monday, January 2, 2017

Christmas Day 2016 in New York City!!

Christmas Day arrived at about 8:00 am to Apt 4E at Lincoln Square in Manhattan, NY!! Kyle wakened us to tell Papa Mumford that Emma and Hiro were "waiting" for him to "ANNOUNCE" that Santa had really come ( something we had always done with our kids as they were growing up--fun for Kyle to have remembered and wanted to include us that way.)  So we all went out and the "Wild Rumpus" (or Not)---did begin!

A "careful" gift-opener for sure!

New pajamas for Emma

This is actually the morning of Dec 26th--and Emma is showing how "sad" she is that they have to go so soon! Grammy will miss you,too, Emma!!

Words to truly "ponder" from a former Apostle of the Lord

Since Christmas Day did fall on Sunday, we were able to attend Sacrament Meeting together as a family. That created, in me, (and others as we talked later) such a sweet Spirit and appreciation of our Savior, who really was born in a stable over 2 Millenia ago.  His birth was so humble, yet so heralded by Angels to those "believing shepherds" who came to Bethlehem to adore Him. Oh how grateful I am for the birth, the life and the Atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World!!

Emma, Sachi, Kyle and Hiro Mumford with Elder & Sister Mumford and Missy Mumford just 
outside the foyer of the Manhattan 1st Ward in New York City after Church on Christmas morning, 
We truly enjoyed this day with our special Christmas visitors and loved hearing from our families that were far away from Manhattan, too!! Some special gifts were given as 3 families announced "trips to NYC" in the upcoming months ( the Duke Mumfords, Grace & Hazel Mumford ( along with their 
parents, Marcus & Michelle and the Lincoln Mumford family) with others "waiting to see" if they can "swing it" ( Bryce & Lissa and Katie & Sef). We will truly look forward to these visits!! 
This is the "surprise" announcement to Hazel and Grace Mumford (but the video won't play)

Below are just "random pics" of the rest of our time with Kyle's family--as they left early Dec 26th, to travel to southern Virginia to be with Sachi's parents who had come from Japan and were at her Sister's home near Williamsburg, VA.
Papa Mumford, Emma Mumford and Aunt Missy Mumford "Up on our Roof"

One more "Hug"!! ( the morning Kyle & Sachi and family are leaving to go South to Sachi's family gathering in Virginia)

I take these 2 pics by Emma, as "proof" that she liked her Christmas gift from Grammy & Papa Mumford!! She really LOVES to draw--and she's very good at it, too, 

Hiro didn't get into the "unwrapping, at least not right off --but he sure was a good boy with that cast!!!

It sure was "hard" to say "Good-bye" to Kyle & Sachi--yet so glad they could be with us at all!! 

These are the beautiful pics we got while Emma and Hiro were in Virginia to visit the Sugimoto grandparents who came from Japan to visit them.
Isn't she so beautiful--Emma Angela Mumford

Samurai Warrior--Hiro Mumford (age 18 months)
Lovely Emma Angela Mumford (age 5 yrs) 

We love all of our family so much!!!

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