Monday, November 6, 2017

An evening with Marcos and Lamia Ghazal--our friends from Lebanon

We had a wonderful night on Oct 4, 2017, when it was our pleasure to go up to Inwood up near Washington Heights,(close to the Bronx) to visit and be treated to dinner in the home of Marcos and Lamia Ghazal. Talk about gracious and hospitable!!--this family really could teach us all some great lessons on how to make your Company feel so warm and welcomed!! For one evening we truly felt "transported" to Lebanon and were treated to the nicest meal EVER!! The table was a PICTURE from Better Homes & Gardens--it was incredible, to say the least!! Lamia, I am sure, had spent her entire day, COOKING!!  It was a cacophony of flavors, for sure!! 

L to R ( around the table): Lamia Ghazal, Nadia Ghazal (their daughter, who is seated),  Marcos' sister, (who is staying with them to recover from hernia surgery)  Sister Barbara Heideman, Elder Kent Heideman, Sister Kathy Nabors, Elder Ron Mumford and Sister Carol Mumford

Isn't that the most beautiful dish of hummus you've ever seen!! And it tasted even more delectable than it looked!! Truly one of my FAVORITES!!

Another view of the "spread of food" we were treated to that evening!!  Lamia had truly "outdone" 
herself that day and I'm sure and we were the "WINNERS!"
From L to R around the table again: Sister Kathy Nabors, Elder Ron and Sister Carol Mumford, Lamia and Marcos Ghazal, Nadia Ghazal and Sister Barbara Heideman ( Elder H is taking the pic)

We were invited along with Kent and Barbara Heideman who are also Temple Missionaries with us in the Manhattan Temple--and Sister Kathy Nabors, who is one of two Single Sister Missionaries, also serving in the Manhattan Temple. The Heidemans were the initial contacts to Marcos Ghazal. Marcos is an Uber Driver who picked up the Heideman's by mistake one night at the JFK AIRPORT when they returned from a short trip home in February of 2017!!. They began talking and introducing him to their "reason for being in New York City" which really piqued his interest. He is a Christian and along with his wife, Lamia, they are very well-read and conversant in/of the history and traditions of religions in Lebanon and Jordan. We have had them in our apartment for dinner as well as we've been to a gathering for them in the Heidenans' apartment and have enjoyed ALL of our time together!! Lamia is especially interested in family and was so "taken" by my "Grandchildren Are A  Blessing from Heaven" display, made possible by Kate and Hollie Mumford, that I love so much and have received so many compliments on!!

Lamia Ghazal could not believe that ALL OF THESE CUTIES were my (our) Grands!! She truly called me "so richly blessed" and I feel that one of the richest compliments I have ever received. 
I truly felt her "stand-offishness" literally melt away as she gazed upon those grandchildren's pictures and gave me a warm hug!!  She was surprised and pleased that we loved family so much! 

We have enjoyed all the times we have  spent with this wonderful couple as we have tried to share our feelings about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and our testimonies of it by our example and discussions of some of our beliefs.  Perhaps we have planted "seeds" that may have fallen on fertile soil and will sink into the "furrows" of friendship and love  that we have  tried to make. Thanks, Heideman's, for letting us share in this experience!!

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