Monday, October 2, 2017

Welcome to the Schoenbergers--our newest Temple Missionary Couple

September 25, 2017, the Temple Missionaries along with part of the Temple Presc' gathered in Apt 4B (Pres and Sister Benches' lovely apartment) for dinner and FHE. Our purpose for this gathering was to officially "Welcome" Paul and Ellen Schoenbergers. Here is a brief Bio that was sent out to all Temple Missionaries just before this couple arrived.

Welcome to our new missionary couple, the Schoenbergers
Forty-seven years ago Paul Schoenberger, a returned missionary from the North German mission, met Eleanor Thompson at the Institute of Religion at Northern Arizona University.
"Ellen" joined the church at age 15, having been influenced  by friends who had earlier invited her to Primary activities. Following her graduation from college and marriage to Paul, she taught grades one and K in elementary school.
The couple moved to Tucson, Arizona after Paul began his career in law enforcement as a deputy sheriff for the Arizona State Patrol. After his retirement he worked  as a juvenile probation officer for 7 years.
Their home is in Gold Canyon, Arizona near their son and daughter and 8 grandchildren. For the past 11 years they have served as ordinance workers in the Mesa, Arizona Temple.

We had a lovely evening with an "authentic Chinese meal" prepared by Sister Hazel Tan ( and I am pretty sure Elder Tan helped) along with her Group A food committee. After dinner, the Schoenbergers each took a few minutes to "introduce" themselves and then some time was turned over to Barbara Heideman aNd myself to "read" the book about the Little Red Lighthouse, which is the focus of the next Missionary Group Activity on Monday, Oct 2, 2017. Fun evening!! 
Elder Paul and Sister Ellen Schoenberger

Missionary Group
Back L-R: Ron & Carol Mumford, Kathy Nabors, Delmar & Luann Gray, SK & Hazel Tan, 
Holly & Ralph Young, Deanna & Lynn DeBry, Kent & Barb Heideman, Jeanine & Spencer Brown
Front L-R: Pres Mark Bench & Sister Dorothy Bench, the Schoenbergers, 
Sister Pat Nixon & Pres Kem Nixon

The book we read--the Lighthouse and the Bridge are up along the Hudson River in the Washington Heights' area

We are so happy to have the Schoenbergers here--and we are "back up to speed;" with 2 full shifts of Temple Missionaries and it feels good!!

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