Sunday, February 5, 2017

Who says January has to be the "BLAHS"??

With the Holidays "behind us" we began 2017 with renewed Temple activity--one such event included this wonderful couple. Sister Cindy Santamaria and Brother Adam  Gerhartz are some of the finest Young Single Adults who have committed to and called to be Ordinance Workers in the NY Manhattan Temple. Here is where they met and "romance blossomed". Adam proposed to Cindy on the sixth floor of the Temple and there they were married on January 7th!! It was a wonderful Sealing by our Temple President, Mark Bench.

The "new" Mr and Mrs Adam Gerhartz

Hispanic wedding receptions are so FUN--filled with lots of food, music and dancing. This one was a 7 hour celebration held at the church next to the Temple--so we were able to go after we finished our Temple shift. It was wonderful!
At the Reception

Our "Reserved" Table

Another important "happening" for our family was Will Herr Mumford's baptism--January 21, 2017--back in Salt Lake City, UT. We know when we committ to serve that there will undoubtedly be "Family events" that we may miss. Yet our hope and prayer is that our service and sacrifice will be an even greater blessing to our family. Usually on the 8th Birthday--because it is so special--this Grammy has been taking the Birthday candidate to "touch the Temple" and share some extra-special time with them. In my absence--I asked Missy aka "Aunt MOFF" if she would do this in my stead and she AGREED! Here is the note and her and Will at his Baptism.

The sweet note 

Aunt Moff and Will Herr Mumford at his Baptism on January 21, 2017 
Congratulations, Will!  Grammy & Papa Mumford are so proud of you and we LOVE you!!

Then moving on thru this month--we were able to have our apartment painted. . . While we enjoyed
part of our Winter maintenance break on a "Temple Field Trip" to visit two temples in sunny Florida--
Orlando and Ft Lauderdale. That was a special time for us!!  We were  able to link up with another couple-- Bob and DeeAnn Buchanan and had such a great experience with them. We will be so sad to see them complete their mission and depart for their Alpine, Utah home on Feb 14th!!

E & S  Mumford at the Orlando Temple 

E & S Mumford at the Ft Lauderdale Temple 

The lovely and warm Ft Lauderdale Temple 

With our friends and fellow missionaries--the Buchanans

We were also able to see and enjoy some of the interesting sites in Orlando--Cape Canaveral and Cape Kennnedy, Sea World, Epcot Center and Gators!! 

One of the many "show/entertainment" at Epcot Center "Disney's Broadway"

Below are shots of the "Fireworks on Lake Buena Vista"

Lake Buena Visa in the background at Epcot Center 

 The Kennedy Space Center and shots from  where the Rockets are "launched"

Out at Cape Canaviral

Adventures at  SEA WORLD--above and below

The Killer Whale Show 

The sea lion show "Seymour & Clyde Go to College" 

And the Gators at "Gatorland" ( truly a "place run by Rednecks") 
And the Gators!!

Wrestling a Gator! 

Gators "sunshine on my Shoulders" 

 The Church's huge ranch entrance (480,000 acres)

And here we have more Gators!! 

Albino alligator--pretty rare 

 And another "tear jerking"Farewell Dinner --saying

GOOD BYE to the Buchanans and Kathy Thompson 

Oh how we'll MISS YOU ALL!!

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