Sunday, July 3, 2016

ABT's "The Sleeping Beauty" (at the Met)

July has really started off with a BANG!! Have met this sweet lady from Turlock, California who has come "back" (she has served an LDS mission here and studied voice and opera here a few years ago) to have a few more lessons and "audience" with some renown opera teachers here in NYC. She has come to the Temple numerous times in her few short weeks here. She loves people and is very engaging!!
We have also "welcomed" a new Missionary couple, Elder Richard and Sister Elaine Holloway from Rexburg, Idaho. They arrived on June 20, 2016 and really "hit the ground, running". It has been mine and Elder M's privilege to "train" them. BUT--how do we, who have only begun to serve, train dynamic people like this who have served several missions?!?! We have loved getting to know them and are so grateful they are here and they are so willing to do anything they are assigned. They will truly be an asset here! We find that we enjoy them so much--they are "joining" us on our trip to Cape Cod and Boston and Sharon, Vermont (where Elder Glade and Sister Claudia Mumford are currently serving) during the Temple Maintenance break the end of July. Can't wait!!

Outside the plaza of the world reknown Lincoln Center ( which just happens to be right across the street from the Apartment Building where the Temple Missionaries live and the NY Manhattan Temple)

Portrait of one of Opera's greatest performers, Luciano Pavarotti 

Sister Holloway, Sister M and Judy Eggleston just before the ABT's performance of "The Sleeping Beauty" 

The gorgeous fountain in the plaza of the Metropolitan Opera House and the Lincoln Center

Inside The Met--viewing the stage for ABT (American Ballet Theater) production of "The Sleeping
 Beauty". I went with 2 new friends--Sister Elaine Holloway (our newest Temple Missionary) and 
Judy Eggleston, a musically-talented and very outgoing lady from Turlock, CA . She is in NYC to 
have some opera lessons and "audience" with a few of the great names in Opera performance at the Met. 

Sort of "in the dark"--but I was there!

A view of the stage and Orchestra pit from our seats

The very busy plaza of The Met before the show

All the famous Opera stars who have performed at the Met over it's long history of performances 

The view at night

New friends
L to R--Judy Egglston, Sister Holloway and Elder Holloway (inside our NY apartment )

On the landing inside The Met ((next to a famous statue--but I forgot who😏) Guess I'll have to "return again" and check it out more closely😉!

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