Monday, June 13, 2016

" ๐ŸŽผOh What Do You Do . . . While Your Wife Gets Her Hair Cut?"

We made the "trek" to "hinder land" (Washington Heights) again for another hair appointment and Elder Mumford, after a brief Quiz on directions ( which I failed), decided I should probably NOT try it on my own just yet--came with. I know it's not very fun for him--but I so appreciate it and the other Sister Missionaries think he's so Great to go with me.๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ’•!! So since the weather was so lovely--he "took off exploring" the area--looking for a Park that others had told him about. So here's a few pics of what he found:
Sidewalk "chalk" advertising--Clever and "Free"!

Exercise and Fresh Air--we see this ALOT in most Parks we pass by

Fort Tryon Park was the location of the battle of  Ft Washington on Nov 16, 1776.  It was a victory for the British and one of the worst defeats for the Americans of the Revolutionary War. It was the last American stronghold on the island of Manhattan. General Howe refused to abandon the Garrison in spite of orders from General Washington. Howe thought he could "save" the Fort. The British had over 8,000 troops--while the Americans were only 3,000+ in numbers. This site is the highest on the island of Manhattan--and overlooks the Hudson. On the opposite side (New Jersey) was Fort Lee.

A view towards New Jersey--across the Hudson

We also found a quaint little Indian restaurant to eat in--but didn't get a pic. We hope we can "find" it again the next time we make the trek up there.

But speaking of restaurants--we did find a Japanese one thanks to friends and fellow missionaries, Tim and DeEtte McKenna--who organized our Temple Shift to celebrate 1 last time with the Calls. We finished "early enough" last Saturday (June 4, 2016) that we hurried ( in a down pour) to the Sapporo Restaurant, and were treated to some wonderful Japanese dishes. It was a fun Farewell--as Elder Steve and Sister Janean Call departed on June 6, 2016 for home (Arvada, Colorado--near Denver). We already " miss them like crazy"!! And plus we are "short" a bMissionary couple--and will be for almost 2 weeks before their "replacements" (not a good choice of words๐Ÿ˜’) will get here. Here's our group:
Back to front--Bob and Dee Ann Buchanan, Steve and Janean Call, Kathy Thompson (next to Sister Call) Tim and DeEtte McKenna, Elder Mumford ( leaning in so you can see down his row ๐Ÿ˜) and Sister M (me). Check out how much food is on that table!! I could have fed many from my dish alone!! 
I was in "shock" when the Waitress put this in front of me and said it was "all mine"!  It was so delicious--but way too much food for ONE person!

It was "hard" to have that time together end!! We so miss those Calls!!

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