Monday, September 24, 2018

January 2018–HOMECOMING to Clifton, IDAHO

Words could not then or even now, convey the message of how “bittersweet” it was/is to leavesomething you have grown to LOVE so much. . . Our New York Manhattan Temple Mission—to RETURN to something we have LOVED and MISSED. . . Our Home and Family in Clifton,  Idaho!!!  The MEMORIES AND EXPERIENCES OF 22 Months away from the Life we had in Clifton will Forever be such a blessing and  influence to guide what we do from this point on.
January 1, 2018–NEW YEARS DAY—dawned cold and beautiful!! We knew the day would be?

GREAT—an FHE with our Temple Presidency and Temple Missionaries had been planned. . . To say “GOOD BYE” to. . . The Mumfords!!  We had been the ones to plan all these “special nights” heretofore—but we DID NOT PLAN this one nor were we totally prepared for how EMOTIONAL it would be for us. Let me share a few pics and try to portray how we LOVE our Temple Friends!!

Surrounded by our “GRANDS” once again!!

On the day of our Homecoming—we had ALL of our Family in Clifton— so we had to “fit in” a FAMILY PICTURE before Church!! 


This phrase sort of became our “By Word or Mitto”, if you will— as Ron signed off on all communications with the Missionaries and Temple Presidency with those words. 
Our Last Gathering” with our Temple Missionaries and Presidency 


One of our “tender and precious stops” the evening of our return to Clifton was a visit to Carol’s BFF —Deonna Faye Fuller. She had cancer before we left and I did not dream she would still be here on earth for me to say “Good Bye” and hug her one more time. She was even awake and “lucid” for the first time in many days. . What a “tender mercy” from a loving Heavenly Father,   

Out “WELCOME HOME” at the Salt Lake City, Utah Airport on Jan 9th 2018 !! What a Welcome sight they were!! 

“MY MISS” oh how I LOVE HER!!


     Now we fast forward to our HOMECOMING SUNDAY—-
Hattie, one of Lincoln and Hollie’s daughters (5 yrs old) came up with this “theme” for our Luncheon after our Meeting because she remembered (from her visit to see us, I guess, that we were serving in “THE BIG APPLE” as New York City is also called. Some precious pics from that sweet day
Now follow.


Some of our FAVORITE FOODS while in NYC were the Food Trucks parked along the sidewalks “ everywhere” in the city. We had 2 of the BEST right around our Apartment building—THE CASBAH (Middle Eastern ) and “THE TERIYAKI GUYS” (sort of Japanese and Hawaiian)


Special Temple Missionary Friends—Bob and DeeAnn Buchanan 

Katie and Sef—and in the background my Goff  visitors, Ralph and Drylee, Glen and Linda and Blaine (is somewhere) 

Shelby Ford and Missy

All the “Big Apples” has notes around them, written by our GRANDS. One of them said, “Welcome Home, Grammy & Papa” and on the back it said ,”and Never leave again!!” 

We LOVED our Mission so much but we were also HAPPY TO BE HOME ONCE AGAIN!!

But because we love the Savior and our Prophet, President Russell M Nelson, if we stay healthy, we feel we need to serve again.  The Gospel needs “Workers” who will leave the comforts of home and go out and help “push” this Latter-day work along.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

A “look back “ at “LIGHT THE WORLD 2017”

I decided that as this was the year that “Light the World” really took on meaning for me—that I’d like to include as many of those Posts in this last part of our Mission Blog as I could recover. Obviously, it would have been easier to “do as you go”— but then hindsight is always 20/20 also.😉. I remember our first Christmas in New York City in 2016– when we were in Times Square with all the lights and signs and billboards—looking up and right there as prominent as anything  and big as Life
— the Church has a huge “LIGHT THE WORLD in 25 ways in 25  days” and we were so excited for such a GREAT MESSAGE!!!
So here is our look back to these wonderful days of messages of service and Christmas spirit.


“Light the World” Day 4–“Matthew/22:39 “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self”. I got a slow start — but I’m picking it up on this date as I have loved this dear Sister Margaret May since I met her soon after we started our NY Manhattan Temple Mission in the aspiring of 2016. We so wanted to take her to see the “Rockettes Christmas Spectacular” at Radio City Music Hall in December of 2016. We tried—but could not connect—so this year (2017)—we tried again and it turned out so GREAT!!! We love her dearly and admire her love for others; the Temple and the Lord!

  • Day 5 "Light the World" is from Matthew 15:4--"Honor thy father and thy mother". 

  • My parents, Ielo and Grace Goff, were two of the most humble and loving parents. My Dad taught 
  • me to be "colorblind and kind" and from my Mom I learned that people with disabilities also have many talents and want to share with others, too!! I know I did not appreciate how good they really were while I was growing up. But I truly hope they know how much I love them for their sacrifices for me were numerous.
“ Light the World--Day 6"Judge not that ye be not judged." Matt 7:1 In reading the Oct 2017 Gen Confo talks, I went back to Pres Uchtdorf's opening talk--towards the end of his message--where he
talks about the early leaders of the Church and  how some were very critical of the Prophet Joseph and other leaders. And some fell away. But Pres Uchtdorf cautioned that "we might have a tendency tojudge these brethren and other members like them--perhaps by saying to ourselves "well I would
never have abandoned the Prophet Joseph." He said to be careful--"we have no idea what it was like to live at that time , in those circumstances"  And that is so true--let's try not to be judgmental of
anyone--for we don't know "their story or circumstance". I know I need to do better at this--and today
is a good place to begin.

"Light the World" Day 7--"Suffer the little children to come unto me." Mark 10:14

Anyone who knows me will understand how much I LOVE my GRANDS!! They are precious,
delightful and deserving of every good thing!! I have missed them more than words can tell these 21 months we have been serving our Mission here in the Manhattan New York Temple. I ❤️that the Savior loves the children and tells us pretty straightforwardly how we should treat them and be like
them. I hope we can Light the World by leading out in our love and respect for these "little ones"!!

"Light the World" Day 8 (I'm working on MST for this one)
Matt 5:45--"Love your enemies. . . do good to them that hate you. . . and pray for them that despitefully use you".  We need this so much in our World today. Christ is our perfect example of this and all I can do is just keep striving and working to be like Him. As I walk these sidewalks in NYC, I
am so thankful for my life. I have been trying to look people in the eye and smile at them and I get
some smiles back!!I am so glad I have Hope to keep me striving in "hard tasks". And the "evergreen
tree" to remind me, particularly as the Celtics observed--that because they stayed green through the
‘dark half’ of the year, their symbolic meanings included qualities such as:
• Strength
• Invincibility
• Determination
• Immortality
• Revitalization
That's a good enough list for me!! Light the World by your Hope and your Strength!!

"Light the World" Day 9--Matt 25:36--"I was sick and ye visited me". 
There are so many in this world that struggle each day to even eat a decent meal--we walked past a man in a wheelchair last week who was so crippled, with missing limbs and such, and yet he had a 
happy face as he held out his hat for handouts. We passed by, then stopped and went back with more than "just change" as he was asking--and wished him a Merry Christmas. You'd have thought we'd given him "the world" as he called after us with his "God bless you's"!! To me, those are the "truly 
“deserving" of our means and compassion. They may be "down"--but they're not "out" yet!! Light the World by your generosity.

"Light the World" Day 10--John 5:39 "Search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have ete
. " Our "project" (Sister Mumford appointed/Brother Mumford enlisted) for the families with small 
children in our ward in Rego Park (in Queens, NY) where we attend Church and serve--was to make 
little Book of Mormon Stories booklets that they could use in FHE and family scripture study. It was 
a "duo effort" and we handed them out today. Glad that we could help, in some small way, these 
young families with their scripture study time. Later this evening, the Missionaries in our 2 Lincoln 
Square building here in NYC, gathered to sing and rejoice in the Carols of Christmas in our Lobby 
around the beautiful grand piano. What a glorious Sabbath day it has been. "I know the Gospel is 

"Light the World" Day 11--Matt 25:35 "I was a stranger and he took me in". This "collection of pics" represent several aspects of this scripture. From L top corner--We finished a "Quilt for Refugees"with Barbara Heideman, the beautiful stained glass windows in St. Patrick's cathedral (depicting many aspects of Christ's life), the Statue of Liberty and all that she "beckons" and our dear Friend, Ellen P, 
that we met in Central Park--and whom we have discovered is an incredible person who touches so 
many lives!! No more Strangers here!!

"Light the World" Day 12--Matt 5:4 "Blessed are they that mourn." Our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out to this wonderful woman, Marie and her family as they will celebrate this Christmas without 
their beloved husband, Dad and Grandpa." Our dearest Bob Cella passed away this last August after a 
very valiant fight with brain cancer. We learned so much from Bob and Marie as they lived this Life 
to it's fullest even when it became very apparent that this cancer was terminal. Ron, Bob and another
 dear friend, Scott Jefferies, were "the 3 Amigos" since meeting and serving as Missionaries in the 
Great Italian Mission. What a rich blessing that Mission (even after 48+ years) has become for us in 
so many ways. We so loved Bob and we continue to send our love and prayers to you, Marie.

( This is our son, Bryce’s post for this day. It was so “heartfelt and so good” —I share it here to 
remember  the “treasure” he and his family are to me) 
Day 14: “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:21)

In Matthew 6, Christ brings up two big temptations we all face that can distract us and pull us away from the important relationship we have with God the Father. The first temptation evident in Matthew 6 is the religious man doing his works before man to receive the praise of man instead of doing them 
in secret, where only God knows. The second temptations we face is the temptation of being like the 

world in seeking treasures of this earth. So often, we look at the things of this earth and say, “If only I 
had that, then I would be all set.” We seek to find security and satisfaction in temporary things instead 
of what we already have in our relationship with God. Both these temptations want our attention, and 
both distract us from what truly matters – our relationship with Christ and our Heavenly Father.

As I was driving home from dialysis last night, I couldn't help but think of the many kindnesses we’ve been shown. So many people have provided assistance to me and my family over this past 
year. My parents, Ron and Carol Mumford, have been serving a mission in New York, but members
 of my family have offered help in watching our kids as I recovered from four bouts with 

sepsis/bacteremia. My brother, Brad, has helped us afford the house we’re in now, at great expense to 
him. I was given a scooter by my brother, Lincoln Mumford, to help me get around town. I have been 
informed of numerous fasts that have been performed on our behalf. My parents have given money to help with medical expenses. This family of mine has been a great example of showing where their 
treasure is in assisting family members in time of need.

I also have been blessed by numerous friends and associates. in early November, my wife's cousin 
and his wife, Royal and Jennifer Petersen, gave us a car to assist in getting myself to dialysis and 
back as we come into the winter months. I drive this vehicle and can’t help but think of the blessing it has been. This family does this often, where they look for people they can bless and then perform acts
 of service. They serve as an example of showing where their treasure is in helping others.

I sometimes contemplate why I’m blessed to live where I do, to be raised like I was, and to have the life that I live. I’ve been blessed greatly by so many neighbors, friends, and family. The above 
examples are just a few in this past year that I wanted to highlight. But there are so many others who 
continue to serve our family, lift our burdens, and help us through our trials.

As I think of service, I want to highlight my wife, Lissa V. Mumford. There isn’t a day that goes by 
when I’m not amazed by her giving mentality. If she sees an opportunity to make a meal, she takes it.
 An opportunity to provide goods or services for a family in our ward, she’s usually first to volunteer.
 She is an example to me of knowing that when “she is in the service of her fellow being, she’s only in the service of our God.” (Mosiah 2:17) I’m so grateful for this season where the message of the 
season causes me to reflect on the many blessings I have in my life. Thank you to all who 
#lighttheworld with your quiet acts of service. Our family has been forever blessed because of your 

"Light the World" Day 15-- Matt 5:7 "Blessed are the merciful". Jesus Christ shows us the way in all facets of our lives. Serving on a Temple Mission for the past 21+ months has blessed us so much!!   
There are so many ways we can follow the example of Christ and be merciful and kind in our 
families, in looking out for those who could use a helping hand and in granting forgiveness in those 
things in which we've been too demanding or harsh. I know days go better if I can "rise above" being petty and selfish and give others a "break" in our judgment of them. Light the World--SMILE and lift a load!!

"Light the World"--combining days 16, 17 & 18--from Top L--NY Manhattan Temple Missionaries "meeting annually in the Building Lobby to sing Christmas Carols around the piano and Christmas 
tree at 2 Lincoln Square" (truly we sounded like Angels!!), to making sacred covenants in the Temple and "being forgiving of others' trespasses" to "being clothed by a very special friend's "gift" to keep me warm"---these are evidences all around of efforts to truly "Light the World" and find great JOY!!

"Light the World" Day 19--Matt 5:12--"Rejoice, and be exceeding glad."  This beautiful collection of women are the Full-time Temple Missionary Sister's I am so blessed to be serving with in the NY 
Manhattan Temple each day. They are truly "elect women" who are examples of all facets of service in the Gospel. We "celebrated" each other by this "gathering" to Alice's Tea Cup for "Crumpets and 
Tea (herbal, of course).". We were so "glad" we could be together and enjoyed ourselves immensely!!

"Light the World" Day 20--Luke 12:15 ". . . for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth."  I/We are surrounded by so many reminders of "choice people" who 
make/have made sacrifices and are so "happy" in the circumstances they do enjoy.  I believe if said another way--"Quality not Quantity" could be used here. #Light the World in enjoying your Journey here--every day!

"Light the World" Day 21--Matt 25:35 "For I was an hungered and ye gave me meat". We have met some of the BEST People while we have been serving here in NY. Some have fed us physically--like going to Chinatown for a marvelous "dim sum" lunch with the Tans ( from Singapore) and the DeBrys (from SLC, UT) ; some have fed us spiritually as did Sister Pratt when she shared her wonderful conversion story; and then those who "lift us" like little Quincey Carol who is representative of all our wonderful GRANDS that we love so much; and this "Subway performer" just doing his best to earn a meal with his talents. Life has so much to offer us, "Light the World" by caring about, enjoying and helping those in your "path of influence"!!  #25 ways in 25 days~such an adventure!!

"Light the World" Day 22--3 Nephi 27:21 "That which ye have seen me do even that shall ye do."  Good works and love and influence in our families, among our peers and even with strangers all can contribute to making our lives rich and full with things that matter most!! Live to be "the very best person", one that you can be "counted on" because your example leads out for GOOD!! And you truly will "Light the World". . . . Everyday!!

"Light the World" Day 23--Matt 25:36 Jesus taught "I was in prison, and ye came unto me".  Some prisons are literal, places where you are "locked up" with no freedom to leave on your own. Other "prisons"can include physical and mental afflictions and/or addictions. 
The pictures I chose for this day are on a little "happier thought" --the "Lady in the Harbor" who begs "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door."(by Emma Lazarus)
I wonder if we can "light the way" for someone who is "troubled" or "trapped" with a kind word or action. Or maybe an acknowledgment that they are "doing OK" just by trying and not giving up!!  Hopefully we can become more aware of situations where our "light" does "double-time" until someone we know and love--FINDS their light again.

"Light the World" Day 24--         3 Nephi 18:15 "Ye must watch and pray always." Jesus has such wonderful "reminders" for us to pray. We know that His Mother, Mary, surely taught him to pray from a very tender age;the Sacred Grove near Palmyra, NY, was the setting for one of the simplest yet very important prayers, uttered by Joseph Smith, in these Latter-days; the Temple is the setting where we are tutored in prayer form and make sacred covenants that will bless us and loved ones forever. Prayer really does "Light our Way" and as we say our prayers--I hope that a "prayer of gratitude" is also one that we use often. I am so-o-o blessed each day with this most important "ingredient" to help my day go better, and Heavenly Father has promised to answer the prayers 
of those who do humbly ask.

"Light the World" Day 25--Matt 5:16 "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven" Dec 25, 2017 finds us in New York, again at Christmas. We have enjoyed time with our Missionary friends and we have seen them as they have shown their Light!  We found ourselves in The Church of St Paul the Apostle--(the top picture) (in Upper Westside Manhattan) as a Missionary Group who didn't have any family in town for Christmas. We went for the Concert (at 11 pm) before the Mass (at midnight). We were told to come "early" as by 10:15--the seats are gone.  And at 10:30 pm--they almost were. This is the first time I have ever been to a Concert/Mass on Christmas Eve as I am usually with family reading and participating in our own Nativity. The organ is beautiful and the music while unfamiliar, very beautiful and almost majestic. There are so many grand Churches just like this all over New York and it is good to see that there are good people everywhere who "Light the World" and "let their Light so shine before men. . . "  I LOVE this time of year--there is a "thrilling, albeit brief" resurgence of a desire to leave materialism and  reach out in seeing the need to "lift our Brothers (and Sisters) all over the World. Listening to this majestic music--makes me feel that right now--at this very moment--ALL oIS RIGHT WITH THE WORLD". . . And He will come again and IT WILL!! This I know!!

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

DECEMBER 2017--Our "last" full month of our New York Manhattan Mission😢

Well that brings us to this point in time--the final full month of this truly amazing and wonderful Senior Couple Temple Mission experience. Some months I have really wanted to "speed up time" as I was really missing my family--BUT this month of December 2017--I really wanted to s-l-o-w-w-w way down and capture ALL ASPECTS of this mission in my memory!! It's hard to believe we are now this close to completing our time here and I am sad now to see us finish!! But all good things must come to an end, right??
So here is a "brief recap" of what this WONDERFUL MONTH had in store" for us!!
After we said our "Good Byes" to the Sears' family we had several "Missionary Activities" to complete and to participate in.  We finished those things that we had planned--and then the "newly called Elder Delmar and Sister Luann Gray took over the Missionary Activity responsibility--at which they will be SO-Ongood at doing!! Here are some of the things we "finished" doing:

This year I really wanted to participate every day in this very important way to "Celebrate the Birth of our Savior". It was such a sweet 25 day "journey" for me!!

Lights to Music in Rockefeller Plaza
Sister MSister Carol Mumford and Sister Margaret May (on the left) were partners for the Rockettes   Christmas Spectacular on Dec 12th 2017!! We had "tried" to do this last year (2016)--but we could never "find" each other in the huge crowd outside Radio City Music Hall!! But this year--
WE MADE IT!! And  It was great !!

There is such a great "feeling" during  the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall 


Barbara Heideman, Jenean Brown and me (Carol Mumford) enjoying the "magic" of Christmas in NYC as we enjoy the sights and sounds of Rockefeller Plaza and Saks Fifth Avenue 

"Carols on Columbus"--such a "musical array of LDS Manhattan-area talent" 


The Golden Retriever in the Nativity is a sweet story about the Catholic Monsignor who is responsible for the placing of such Nativity each year for this Church.

We decided to do a little service project for some of the families in the Rego Park 1st Ward out in Queens, NY --where we attend each Sabbath for our meetings.  


We were able to place these little Book of Mormon Stories booklets in 13 families with young children and hope it will help them in their scripture reading or FHE 

Kevin Kindred (a friend who grew up in Preston, ID --his parents, Kent & Janice Kindred have been close friends since we moved to Idaho in 1982) and his wife visited NYC and were staying with friends in our apartment building when we "discovered them" while Caroling in the Lobby a few Sundays before Christmas this year --such a small world!!

Annual Full-Time Senior Missionary Christmas Caroling in the Lobby of 2 Lincoln Square Apartment Building where we all live 

 There was a video of us singing--it was very good!!

A most precious Christmas gift from one of our Senior Missionary Couples, Elder Lynn and Sister De Anna DeBry. Her friend is a painter and she did this in watercolorscand sent them to Sister DeBry who then, gave them to us. So beautifully done!! 

Monday, December 18th, 2017, was a special day for all the senior Sister Missionaries--there are 10'of us-- as we enjoyed an outing together of TEA AND CRUMPETS at  Alice's TeaCup. It was my "treat" to them sort of a "Going Away Party" of sorts. I really wanted to Thank them all for their Friendship and Love !! It was delightful!! 

 Holly Young and I are checking out the tasty dishes on our table

L to R around the table--Luann Gray, Hazel Tan, Barbara Heideman, DeAnna DeBry, Fusako Miyashiro, Jeneane Brown, Ellen Schoenberger, Kathy Nabors, Holly Young and myself, Carol Mumford

Holly Young and Carol Mumford

DeAnna DeBry, Fusako Miyashiro and Jenean  Brown

Luann Gray, Hazel Tan and Barbara Heideman 

Ellen Schoenberger and Kathy Nabors 

Ellen and Kathy here with Holly Young

Luann, Hazel and Barbara

Our whole Group just outside this charming little "ALICE'S TEACUP "
L to R--Luann Gray, Hazel Tan, Jenean Brown, DeAnna DeBry, Ellen Schoenberger, Carol Mumford, Barbara Heideman, Kathy Nabors, Holly Young and Fusako Miyashiro 
What a "memory-maker for me!! Love these Sisters to pieces!! 
(The reason for the name--it was decorated with all assorted "antique-looking teacups and saucers " AND with Alice in Wonderland art on the Walls--so so charming)

Lincoln & Hollie's family sent this Nativity in the form of "12 days of Christmas" with 12 little packages that we opened--1 each day--until Christmas Eve!! We so loved it--and inside each little package was a note with each of their 5 children giving us their "perspective" of that piece of the Nativity. It was a memorable activity for both of us.   

We set it up on our "makeshift mantle" on our Entertainment Center 

Elder Mumford and I outside the Rego Park 1st Ward Building one of our last Sunday's that we attended there. Oh how we LOVED that Ward!! 

Christmas Eve found us with a few of our Missionary friends attending the Choir Concert before Midnight Mass at St Paul the Apostle  Catholic Church in Manhattan just a few blocks from our apartment building.
The Nativity as it was set up in St Paul the Apostle's  Cathedral for us to view on Christmas Eve 2017 

We "journeyed" to Chinatown at the invitation of Elder and Sister Tan (who are Chinese but have come from Singapore--to serve as Full time Temple Missionaries). They treated us to a Dim Sum 
Lunch --which was so delicious--mostly because they both knew what dishes to choose from the cart that goes from table to table
L to R--around the table clockwise--Ron and Carol, DeAnna and Lynn DeBry and SK and Hazel Tan 
We enjoyed this so much--and then Hazel took DeAnna and I shopping for "bargains"!! What Fun! 


Riding the Subway home from Chinatown.we found this little Chinese man using his best imagination to create "haunting Chinese music" on his homemade instrument.

Our table was "literally loaded" with such tasty Chinese food!! 
Thank you so much Elder & Sister Tan!! It was such a great meal!! 


Christmas Day 2017 
Ron and I and a few of the other Missionaries were invited by Rukmal Dehicdebob (so phonetically) to come to his apartment on Staten Island and enjoy a meal with his wife and little 6-month old baby boy. It was almost a 2-hr ride by Subway, Ferry, Bus and walking about a mile--one-way-- to get there. Ron wasn't feeling well--so I went alone with the Heideman's, Kathy Nabors and Fusako Miyashiro--and here they are standing outside the front of the house where his very small  apartment is in the back. 
Rukmal, his lovely wife and myself and Sister DeBry 
This wonderful wife, who is from Malaysia,  had been up since 5:00 am, cooking all the food we would be served that day. What a sacrifice--for us--whom she had never met until that day.  We had  huge pans of rice and beans and curry dishes and fruit and 2 desserts. WOW WHAT A FEAST!!

Rukmal, his wife and the Heidemans

These are just part of the MANY Christmas cards we received  and I'd put them on our wall where we could see them and be reminded every day how much we were loved by such good family and friends
And the sweet spirit of Christmas was "within" that card display!!


The "HAPPY BANNER" that came from Linc's family helped us keep a "positive" tone in our apartment! We so loved it!!  

This pretty much takes us to the end of December
Sister Colleen Pratt shared her "Conversion Story" with us at the Heideman's Apartment earlier in the month of December. I loved these special "gatherings" as they were so faith promoting and special

After a Missionary Activity in November--where Sister Ciccotelli talked about her "Quilts for Refugees" project--we took a quilt top home with us--and tied it with the wonderful help from Barbara Heideman and with Ron " threading needles for the Blind ( that would be me!!) 

Oh was a beautiful busy delightful month of December we had!!