Monday, September 24, 2018

January 2018–HOMECOMING to Clifton, IDAHO

Words could not then or even now, convey the message of how “bittersweet” it was/is to leavesomething you have grown to LOVE so much. . . Our New York Manhattan Temple Mission—to RETURN to something we have LOVED and MISSED. . . Our Home and Family in Clifton,  Idaho!!!  The MEMORIES AND EXPERIENCES OF 22 Months away from the Life we had in Clifton will Forever be such a blessing and  influence to guide what we do from this point on.
January 1, 2018–NEW YEARS DAY—dawned cold and beautiful!! We knew the day would be?

GREAT—an FHE with our Temple Presidency and Temple Missionaries had been planned. . . To say “GOOD BYE” to. . . The Mumfords!!  We had been the ones to plan all these “special nights” heretofore—but we DID NOT PLAN this one nor were we totally prepared for how EMOTIONAL it would be for us. Let me share a few pics and try to portray how we LOVE our Temple Friends!!

Surrounded by our “GRANDS” once again!!

On the day of our Homecoming—we had ALL of our Family in Clifton— so we had to “fit in” a FAMILY PICTURE before Church!! 


This phrase sort of became our “By Word or Mitto”, if you will— as Ron signed off on all communications with the Missionaries and Temple Presidency with those words. 
Our Last Gathering” with our Temple Missionaries and Presidency 


One of our “tender and precious stops” the evening of our return to Clifton was a visit to Carol’s BFF —Deonna Faye Fuller. She had cancer before we left and I did not dream she would still be here on earth for me to say “Good Bye” and hug her one more time. She was even awake and “lucid” for the first time in many days. . What a “tender mercy” from a loving Heavenly Father,   

Out “WELCOME HOME” at the Salt Lake City, Utah Airport on Jan 9th 2018 !! What a Welcome sight they were!! 

“MY MISS” oh how I LOVE HER!!


     Now we fast forward to our HOMECOMING SUNDAY—-
Hattie, one of Lincoln and Hollie’s daughters (5 yrs old) came up with this “theme” for our Luncheon after our Meeting because she remembered (from her visit to see us, I guess, that we were serving in “THE BIG APPLE” as New York City is also called. Some precious pics from that sweet day
Now follow.


Some of our FAVORITE FOODS while in NYC were the Food Trucks parked along the sidewalks “ everywhere” in the city. We had 2 of the BEST right around our Apartment building—THE CASBAH (Middle Eastern ) and “THE TERIYAKI GUYS” (sort of Japanese and Hawaiian)


Special Temple Missionary Friends—Bob and DeeAnn Buchanan 

Katie and Sef—and in the background my Goff  visitors, Ralph and Drylee, Glen and Linda and Blaine (is somewhere) 

Shelby Ford and Missy

All the “Big Apples” has notes around them, written by our GRANDS. One of them said, “Welcome Home, Grammy & Papa” and on the back it said ,”and Never leave again!!” 

We LOVED our Mission so much but we were also HAPPY TO BE HOME ONCE AGAIN!!

But because we love the Savior and our Prophet, President Russell M Nelson, if we stay healthy, we feel we need to serve again.  The Gospel needs “Workers” who will leave the comforts of home and go out and help “push” this Latter-day work along.