Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Missy's FINAL VISIT to us in the BIG🍎With Shelby and Jearlene

We have anticipated this month of November for a long time--I LOVE THANKSGIVING and some of my favorite people are coming to visit!! Missy--she always brings FUN and DELIGHT with her--and then this time she is bringing 2 Excellent friends--Shelby Ford and Jearlene Leishman--both friends she met at BYU. The best I can do is to document with "many many pictures" all that we/they did on this Fun time in this magical city at Holiday time.  They arrived on Saturday, Nov 18th (2017) and  made their way by Subway to our Apartment on 66th Street and Columbus Ave. We were home from our shift at the Temple and welcomed them with Open Arms!!! We had not seen Shelby for a few years and not seen Jearlene even longer than that. So it was a great reunion. Missy (or Moff as she gets called a lot) had come up with "The Plan"--spreadsheet and all. And Shelby loved that she didn't need to worry about anything EXCEPT enough energy to keep up with the agenda!!
Inside the doors to the entrance of the NY Manhattan Temple

The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 2017


                                                      Our "Parade watchers" L to R
                                     Ron & Carol Mumford, Shelby Ford, Missy Mumford, Jearlene

Santa Claus is ALWAYS the last entry--so he's "out of order" but what a great pic, huh?! 

Proud mother Sally. McKenna Newton was in this Marching Band 

Sally (Reading) Newton and husband Steve were some of our "Parade guests"
And I think we treated them pretty well with Front Row seats!!


In Times Square 
L to R: Moff, Jearlene, Shelby and Carol

Upon our return from watching "The Nutcracker" at the Lincoln Center in NYC!!! 

Moff''s "contraband photo" of the Nutcracker cast after  their performance
Below are some photos of the performers "gleaned the next day" on the Website


Stunning performance! 


It was a glorious performance!! One I'm sure will never be duplicated as this venue was made for these performances!! Absolutely amazing!!

Rockefeller Plaza
Jearlene, Moff, and Shelby 

Perfect "Photo Op" of Missy
She "found"  The Little Red Lighthouse 

George Washington Bridge 
Missy,  Shelby & Jearlene

Eating Pizza at Grimaldi's in Brooklyn before walking the Bridge  

On the Brooklyn Bridge 
L to R: Shelby, Jearlene, Moff, Ron and Carol (it was a freezing cold windy day) 

Rockefeller Plaza and St Patrick's Cathedral 


Ice skaters on the Rockefeller Plaza Rink

Inside famous St Patrick's Cathedral on 5th Avenue in NYC 

BEAUTIFUL STAINED GLASS WINDOWS depicting the Life of Christ 

Missy's Sunday morning visit to St Patrick's Cathedral

Looking across the Hudson River to New Jersey skyline 

Another pic of our walk across "The Bridge"

Getting the tree ready to decorate and light the R Plaza

The "Nativity" inside St Patrick's Cathedral (complete with the golden lab looking on)

                                           Decorated  windows of Sak's 5th Avenue
Another Saks Fifth Avenue "decorated window" 

Missy, Jearlene & Carol on the Bus Tour--really interesting!! 

OUTSIDE LeVain's Bakery 

Theme for the Macy's Christmas season  BELIEVE 

Outside the American Museum of Natural History--this place is HUGE!! Takes up a city block!

Inside the Museum-- plenty to try and see and do--in SO LITTLE TIME!! 

Inside the Museum in the Rotunda that celebrates Teddy Roosevelt as a Rough Rider and U S President  

The dioramas inside the AMNH are so Amazing and Life-like

0ur Group in the African Elephants  Room 

Missy and Jearlene got tickets to a taping of The Harry Connick, Jr. Show in CBS Studios just down Columbus Ave from us. Missy was even "selected" to ask a question and was taped and this taping aired on television on Dec 4th of this year. SHE NAILED IT!! The audience loved her and Harry said she was "a lovely person'!! Got that right, Mr Connick!! So proud of her and all she is and does!! 
The message we all need "HOPE"!! 

Morning that Missy is leaving NYC--probably for the final time in a long while--as we will be finishing our Mission to the New York Manhattan Temple in January 2018 

Oh how we loved your visit!! You made Thangsgiving so special this year of 2017 !